Root Certificate

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I am in the process of adding Authentication information to all of the programs on this site...    Not all of them currently have it added. 

The certificate that I am using is not issued by any of the ROOT authorities that are currently installed on your pc.  It is a "Self-Signed' certificate and needs to be installed on your system before you can "validate" any of the programs downloaded from this site.  To install the certificate, follow the instructions below.

  1. Download the certificate from here
  2. Click on Open
  3. At the following image:

    Click Install Certificate
  4. You will be presented with a Certificate Import Wizard
  5. In the Wizard, select Next, Next, Finish
  6. At the Security Warning stating that "You are about to install a certificate from a certification authority (CA) claiming to represent:" select "Yes" if the Thumbprint (sha1): is 
    2D244974 35F1A4E4 291404D1 3CFC7AC 6EDE2EAA
  7. Click OK on the Import was successful box.
  8. Click OK on the Certificate box (image above)
  9. To test that the import was successful:
    Click to download the certificate again (from step 1) and select Open
    This time you should see:

For all of the programs that have been signed will show the Publisher as: (PRG) as shown in ths image

and have the image by the download link.

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